Saturday, 18 August 2012

Trip to Lourdes

After a brilliant week in Lourdes we are back home :) ,we had a really good time and we met lots of really nice people. It was a week full of good times that i will never ever forget. we brought Karagh to the baths in Lourdes where she was placed into really cold water, me and Sarah also got into them and the thing about the  baths is when we got out we where bone dry. We also did the Candle light procession which was the most beautiful thing i ever seen. We brought Karagh to the Grotto where she rubbed her hand all along the wall as soon as we took her out of the buggy it was like she knew she had to do it and we did the Blessing for the sick where we were anointed with special oils and blessed by the priest.

We went to the top of the pic du jer which is a mountain in Lourdes that is 1100 metre to where the cable car drops us and i walked another 300 to the top where the cross is that illuminates at night, was a good day and the views was brilliant.

There was lots of things we done during the week and one of the things was placing a set of Rosary Beads on a tree for Karagh with her picture and soother attached to them, for me it was a happy but emotional time  
Throughout the hole week Karagh was brilliant she never cried once and she made alot of new friends as me and Sarah did too, One man from day one every day in the hotel at breakfast, lunch and dinner came over to Karagh and always said hello, he was from Italy, he gave Karagh 2 pairs of rosary beads and he gave Sarah a pair and me a gold coin on a key ring from the Vatican in Rome which was really nice. I talked to him through his translator and was telling him the reason Karagh was in Lourdes and what was wrong with her, he couldn't believe it.He said to me he had falling in love with her the first time he seen her and she always smiled at me, Before i finished talking to him he ask me could he have a picture of Karagh and our address as he wants to keep in touch with us to see how Karagh is doing :) and he told me he will pray for her every day.


I said alot of prayers for Karagh, for children who is fighting Cancer and for the one,s who have lost there lives to Cancer and  for there family's aswell and also lit candles for them too.

During thee week in Lourdes we were told that Karagh's Peach's Neet Feet arrived and we were so excited to see them and let Karagh see them and try them on and i have to say that they are the nicest cutest things ever and she is delighted and was full of smiles when she took them out of the box :)

I will have pictures of our time in Lourdes and also pictures of Karagh with her new runners on up tomorrow :)


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